
I have been depressed since I was a child. How I best describe my depression before TMS was I was living in a black hole. I had no energy to do anything and often wanted to just stay home and not get out and do anything. I have experienced great loss and tragedy in my life. I lost two other daughters in a tragic car accident. I never thought I would ever be able to cope and move on from that. TMS has been a very great opportunity for me and I have been very lucky. Since TMS I have been in full remission from my depression. I'm happy, full of energy and I now see the light at the end of that dark tunnel.

I have been struggling with depression for many years. I found that I had very little interest to do anything, sometimes getting out of bed was a struggle. My family and friends didn't understand what I was feeling. I felt completely alone. I had tried many different antidepressants but never found any significant results. TMS saved my life. I have felt more alive than I ever have in my life. My energy level is back. My motivation for life is here. My ability to function with everyday living exists. My experience with TMS has been amazing. South Texas TMS gave me my life back.

One night during the wee hours of the morning I schemed taking my life, but I couldn't go through with it. I was so fed up with feeling lifeless and being "stuck" in a existence I despised; worrying about everything, so much so I could not even make a decision because I was afraid of making the wrong decision. I had forgotten what it was like to be joyful, creative, energized and productive. Depression was not a stranger in my life and neither was synthetic medicine. For thirty plus years I have suffered through various stages of the disease. I feel that is why I contemplated taking my life; I was so tired of the roller coaster rides from anti-depressants and the side effects that come with it. Knowing that I did not want to take another roller coaster ride, I researched alternative solutions. Thank goodness I was introduced to TMS therapy, which I affectionately call "Thumper" (referring to the thumping sound the machine makes). In less than a week I could tell the treatment was working a-n-d with no side effects; by the end of my treatments the joyful, creative, energized and productive "ME" had returned. The date of my last treatment is my new birth date. There is nothing better than the celebration of a new life and I owe it all to my TMS treatment team at Family Wellness, San Antonio, Texas.

I've had depression and anxiety for over 25 years. I've tried many medications, sometimes 2 or 3 of them together. Medications would work initially after enduring all the negative side effects. After a while they would wear off and I would start looking for new medications. Before TMS, most of my days I would be depressed and everything seemed so dark and hopeless. This negative energy would consume me and I would reserve to sleeping 12 hours a day. After TMS treatments, I now think more positively and I have not experienced many dips in my mood. I am able to handle problems more effectively and more positively. I have more energy. I am grateful that I found TMS.

Dr. Salina's office and her staff are caring and skillful. The TMS treatment began to work almost immediately and I feel like myself again for the first time in more than 20 years. I had begun to think that was not possible, and I thank you all so much.